maanantai 6. toukokuuta 2013


Here in Los Vives one  can enjoy a very exquisite gastronomic delicacy, Iberus gualtieranus alonensis- snail. You can find it here on the rocky slopes of Cerro Agudo.Very common are   also Helix aspersa, Helix aperta  and Helix engaddensis snails. At this time of the year, the fresh  Long blossom thyme leaves  (Thymus longiflorus) and  fresh Caper shoots (Capparis spinosa), can be a good alternative for seasoning the snails.
The Iberus gualtieranus alonensis- snail is highly valued among the Spanish gourmands and in some places it has disappeared because of excess collecting.
Chef Thor's Aroma Aurora Borealis Category for edible snails.
I    Iberus gualtieranus alonensis: Vaqueta,Caracol  blanco,Serrano, Serrana (ESP)
II   Otala punctata : Cabrilla, Caragol cristia (ESP)
III  Helix pomatia : Roman snail (ENG), Viinimäkikotilo (FIN)
IV  Helix aspersa: Garden snail (ENG), Tarhakotilo (FIN)
V   Helix aperta : Green garden snail (ENG), "Vihreä tarhakotilo" (FIN)
VI  Helix engaddensis :"Garden snail" (ENG), "Levanten tarhakotilo" (FIN)

Otala punctata snails

Young Caper shoot
Thymus longifloris thyme 

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